Taking a quick and much needed break from the chaos of moving for a speedy update and sharing with you some final moments at our present (as of tonight, old) abode. Will miss very much the beautiful light and space in this home but will not miss dirty feet and frigid temperatures (and lack of showering as a result of frigid temperature leading to even dirtier feet).
I've noticed a significant increase in page visits to this blog and have not, since the spike, asked for an introduction from you, readers! We will be without internet access for the first few days after our move and I would love to be entertained by your stories during our break (thank you blackberry email!) Share with me as much or as little about yourselves as you please! What's your name? Where do you live? What do you do? What do you want to do? Who do you love? How did you come across this blog? Favourite song right now? Favourite website (especially this one please, my internerding time has become rather repetitive)? Favourite book (have just finished reading Women and have started on delightful, not at all like women, Harry Potter)? What do you want for Christmas? Feel free to ask me questions and I will add them to my FAQ tag.
Must get back to moving duties! I look forward to learning about you!