WORK IT!! My good friend Jewels and I have devised our own workout plan! I am super excited! I always say Im going to workout and eat healthy!...and then I don't... :*( I am hoping this time will be different!! If any of you want to join in, Feel Free!!! This is our schedule:
Mondays: Running
Tuesdays: Rotating each week between work out videos and Toning exercises
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Outdoors fun! (tennis, hiking, biking etc)
Saturday: AF rec center has a free boot camp class! Woot Woot!!
For our video and toning days we're going to see if we can use the cultural hall and invite anyone to come! Hopefuly, having others involved with a set schedule will keep me going. Any suggestions for motivation and/or scheduling?
This is how I want to look when I'm done!!!
Macho Woman #1
Macho Woman #2!
Wouldn't that just look perfect with my 4'8" frame?

He just scares me... I feel like if I got to close to him with a sharp object he would unfortunately pop... :(
Obviously... I DO NOT want to look like these fantasticaly large people... I just thought you'd love to see them....ahem... hahahaha!!!! If they can muster up the self discipline and motivation to get this muscular, than I can certainly reach my goal!!!
I think I can, I think I can... :D
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