and one of my favourite parts...
since receiving this in the mail thanks to wonderful netflix i have enjoyed multiple viewings watching with a grin ear to ear each time. i spent many nights as a wee one swooning over my complete works of Hans Christian Andersen and other classic fairy tales illustrating them (and on occasion drawing my own fairy tales: prince falls in love with serf girl, serf girl denies his affections, he relinquishes his crown for her love and labors hard in an effort to prove it, a mish-mash of all my favourites). in our sensible electronic age of "reality" and HD there are very few things that are capable of achieving such dreamy escapism. the story of the little mermaid has secured itself a special spot in my heart from watching this as a little girl, to this book (i to this day treasure) to the beloved disney version (which i naturally fancied as she was a ginger like me). that the hopelessly in love sea lady chose the prince's life over her own happiness has stayed sweet far longer than the happy ending of ariel and prince eric and taught me early a lesson in sacrifice (voice and life for love? what sixteen year old didn't entertain with the idea of giving either up for such a noble cause as love). my eyes are not wanting to stay open but before i head for my pillow i wanted to share with you another tragic sea lady, Ondine. my personal favourite is the ballet version but the Sleep of Ondine is pretty wonderful as well (though tragic in an entirely different, and quite adult, way). i apologize, i realize this whole post is tiresomely long and is probably now making slim sense due to sleep deprivation and hamburger induced coma. good night friends! enjoy the eye candy and sweet tails! ehehehe - tails.
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