i'm writing this in hopes that sweet sleep will soon take me into warm arms and out of my restless wakefulness in a hot room with party noises next door and a snoring sofa surfer.
here is all the velvet my closet presently has to offer to share with you. velvet, i have learned in my late night quest for sleep readings, is woven on a special loom that weaves two pieces of velvet at a time and originated around the beginning of the fourteenth century (though some sources argue that it has in fact been around since as early as 2000bc - controversy!). up until the twentieth century it was a luxury reserved solely for the royal and rich but now thanks to the industrial revolution (and synthetic fibers) us common folks get to play dress-up with a runny nose and cough and stuff our closets full of the velutinous fabrics. and there you have it friends, i hope this entry has put you to sleep and me too! (fingers crossed)
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