In other news:
1. I still haven't found a dress to wear to Gabe's sister's graduation on Friday. I'm starting to stress.
2. Residents of central Arkansas will be happy to know that it's rumored Little Rock is finally getting an Anthropologie. Oh please oh please let this be true! Location? The Promenade at Chanal...
3. I'm getting my hair done Thursday. I have no clue what I want. I've been in a hair rut for the past 6 months. So send any ideas my way! I'm trying to keep it long because I always regret cutting it short.
4. Terri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives) has launched her own lifestyle website called GetHatched--A Chick's Guide to Life. I'm still checking it out. But so far it seems to be a little (ok a lot) more down to earth than Gweneth Paltrow's GOOP.
That's it for me today. Hope ya'll are having a great Tuesday!
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