I've been looking for a cute fall/winter bag that has a classic look. While I LOVE Chanel bags, lets be honest here, I can't afford them! I'm in college for crying out loud! But I do love this Kate Spade bag that has a Chanel look and is much more wallet friendly. Though it will still require some saving on my end. I think with some of my birthday money it might be a possibility.

Something else inspiring me lately are the August issues of Vogue and InStyle. Not only are they full of fall ads. (I love ads, I know I'm weird) They have two beautiful, classy ladies on the covers.

Also I hope I age like these two. Gwen is in her 30s and looks better than most 20somethings. And Courtney Cox is making 40s look downright hot! Anyone that knows me knows that I've already declared war on aging. Courtney has admitted to using Botox and I think with her it looks natural. Thoughts?
Hope ya'll are having a great week!!
Oh and I'm looking for a good book to read. Any suggestions? I've been disappointed with my summer reading list.
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