Hey guys, thanks so much for your camera 'review' feedback. That's the second time I've scribbled about gadgets and one thing is for sure, ya'll love talking about gadgets! So from tomorrow, this blog will be called Gadgetry: The digital scrapbook of a digital noob. What do ya think? I reckon it's got a pretty sweet ring to it. (I kid.) So I was a bit of a mall rat this weekend. I hit up the Pav, Westwood and Gateway. Or as I like to call it, the Super Circuit. I wish I had been a part of some sort of undercover retail detective show 'cuz I saw all sorts of weird things. For example, one store was flogging a Zara dress with a huge hole in it for 400 and summin bucks - I was like, 'What the what!!?' We don't have the Zara chain in South Africa so that was rather faulty. Also, I saw the EXACT same dress in two shops with two wildly different price points. Weird right? Anyway, I'll refrain from a shop-slagging frenzy and rather, show you what I bought. That would be, this dress and cardi from Jay Jays. I literally bought 'em straight off the mannequin. When I wore this yesterday, a shop assistant said to me (and this never happens!) 'Stylish outfit, love how you paired the cardi with the dress.' I was like, 'Mmm, thanks very much,' all the while thinking, I put no effort into this combo whatsoever! Then another lady stopped me and asked where I got the dress to which I replied, 'Jay Jays' and she was like, 'And where did you get the cardi?' I was like, 'Erm, Jay Jays!' So I suppose that's the power of good mannequin merchandising for ya. I scooped two other goodies but I'll show 'em to ya later this week. I also coloured and cut my hair - first time I dyed it to cover the whiter lighter variety - tragic but necessary! What did you get up to? Score any buys? Colour any greys?
I just reread this post and was horrified to see my prolific use of the phrase 'I was like.' Teachers were always telling me off for saying that in school. How the hell I became a copywriter, I'll never know. (Well, I suppose studying for three years had something to do with it but you know what I mean!) Anyways: Dress & cardi: Jay Jays Bag: Dorothy Perkins (Don't you just love the crazy fake quilting!?) Belt: Mr Price Shoes: Foschini Sunnies: Vintage Video: So retro now! That song was huge when Craig and I were in Londres. Do you also have certain 'getting ready' songs?
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