Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a good week so far! So I'm a few days late on this but here are my New Year's resolutions for 2011:
1. Find a job!!! I mean I technically have a job right now, but I'm looking for a career. A big girl job if you will.
2. Get this wedding planned. I have not been a very good planner over the past few months. So I finally did what any smart girl would do and got a wedding planner! Much better! We'll be getting married on the beach in July of this year! I just need to take the time to actually sit down and figure out all of the other things I want for this wedding.
3. Read more. While in school, most of the reading I did was required. I'm looking forward to curling up with a good book every night and enjoying it. I've already read two since graduation last month.
4. Be more patient. This is probably my biggest personality downfall. I am not patient at all. With anybody. I would like to learn to just relax and go with the flow.
5. Add more to my workouts. I'm good at working out regularly, but I'm guilty of getting stuck in a rut. I am interested in trying new things this year, maybe getting back into yoga or trying one of those boot camp classes.
6. Cook more. Confession time: I don't actually cook all that often. Gabe is actually the main chef around here. I bake of course, but cooking dinner is something I just never want to do. This year I want to learn to cook more things and actually do it on a regular basis.
7. Cut back on my Starbucks consumption. I spend way to much money on coffee. This is money I should be saving.
And that's it! I'm not really a big resolutions person and I don't think you should set yourself up for failure by setting unattainable goals. I'm confidant that I can accomplish all of these this year.
Have a good afternoon ya'll!
P.S.- yes I'm devastated about how the Hogs game turned out last night. I may or may not have shed a few tears :(
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