Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soooo... Inspiration Post #9?? (Technically 8)

Ahemmmm... OK FINE! YES, I missed yesterday. I did not post yesterday. Bla bla bla. I promise you I did sit down to do a post and then my computer freaked out saying it had a virus. I freaked out and shut everything off and unplugged it all. Was that the right thing to do? No idea... My uncle was supposed to look at it... hopefully he did. Because I'm using it now... I also need to say that I got lucky not having to post yesterday. I couldn't find anything inspiringly post worthy. It made me sad. Tuesdays I teach AAAAALLL day (9:30am-9:30pm YUP). My students are very inspiring, I just didn't feel like I could post about that.

Moving on.

So, we all complain about where we live (too hot, too cold, too much snow, too humid, too dry, etc.). WEEEEELLLL, have you ever taken a LOOK outside?!?! Our earth is BEAUTIFUL!! It's incredibly inspiring. That things can run and work together so perfectly and at the same time be so breathtakingly gorgeous.

Here's a look at what I get to see every day!
(the view from my house- in case you didn't catch that)

This is what I get to see out my back windows. Wow. I live up on a hill nestled against the mountains and I get to look down upon the valley and the mountains in the distance with the lake reflecting their image.

This is what is to the East. These majestic mountains.

This is to the North. (I couldn't get up high enough to get a good picture without this house in it, and I didn't think about actually leaving the house to get a better one until just now... duh!!)

And to the West. This is where THE best sunsets happen every night. I'm not kidding. You think where you live gives the best sunsets. Well, YOU'RE WRONG! You should come take a look. Pink skies every evening and gorgeous mountains glowing with sunlight.

I encourage you to take this time to step outside and take a look around. This time of year can be SO ugly- unless you actually stop and take in what is truly surrounding you. The earth is inspiring. Go and see!

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