Hey guys! Today we have our guest post from this weeks "Blog of the Week"! This week it's Megan from her blog Feathers and Freckles. She is so cute and has such awesome style. So read her guest post and then hop on over to her blog. :) Take it away Megan!

Hi everyone! I am new to blogging and can't believe I didn't start doing this sooner. I love writing, photography (I take all my own photos), and being inspired by other bloggers.***
Feathers & Freckles is a fashion blog of sorts, which is silly because I'm not very fashionable. I can typically be found in my pajamas and covered in cat hair, or out & about in jeans and a tee. My blog is about finding my style and wearing the items in my closet that I've been too scared to put on. I finally got sick of only dressing up when I have an event to go to, because let's face it, I never have anywhere to be and my clothes aren't getting any younger.
I recently started the 10 & 2 challenge because I constantly stand in my closet thinking "Why did I buy any of this crap?!" I pulled out 10 items that I always avoid and wore them for 2 weeks. It made me realize what does and doesn't work for me, and also how brutally honest my readers are (which I love!).
See? Awesome style, and I absolutely love her 10 & 2 idea! I need to do that. I know I have items in my closet that I should part with. :) So now it's your turn to go and check out Feathers and Freckles. :) Happy Monday everyone!
P.S. I am still accepting sponsors for October(/November) If you're interested in sponsoring Gentri Lee please go HERE for more info. :)
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