Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Blogging....

Hi all, sorry for my extended absence from the blog world. Sometimes life throws you curve balls and interrupts the plans you have. So lets start from the beginning shall we?

Nov. 19, 2011- Arkansas v. Miss. State game

No clue why this is sideways!
 Great day. Arkansas won and we watched my little cousin, Garrett, play more in the game than he had all season. We left that night feeling on top of the world.

Nov. 20, 2011- The day our world was turned upside down. At 12:53 pm I received a call from my Dad that I never in a million years expected to get. My cousin Garrett had been found unresponsive in his dorm room by one of his roommates in Fayettville. After many attempts to revive him, we lost our Razorback. Disbelief, confusion, denial... those were just a few of the immediate emotions felt. How could a healthy 19 year old football player just die?? We eventually got our answer in the coming days. He had an underlying heart condition. No one had known. The next few days went by in a blur for the entire family.

Garrett with my two younger cousins at Razorback football camp

Love that smile!

Obviously, Thanksgiving was hard. Watching the Arkansas v. LSU game was hard. Saying goodbye was extremely hard. Throughout the whole thing I have been so amazed at how strong my family is. My aunt and uncle are the most amazing people I have ever met. 

December 2011- started planning for the holidays. Put up the Christmas tree, bought gifts, and learned to cherish time with loved ones more than I ever have.

December 23, 2011- We had Christmas at my Mom's house. I didn't take any pictures sadly.

December 24, 2011- Christmas with my Dad's side of the family. Once again, another hard one. But my family just continues to amaze me with their strength and hope. Something our pastor said at church that night struck a chord. "Let go of the heartache and hold on to the hope."

The hubs and I at my Dad's house Christmas eve.
We released balloons that night as a family for Garrett. Also one of his teammates/best friend and his family joined us. That really made everyone happy. Especially my Memo.

December 25, 2011- We had Christmas at Gabe's parents house. My in-laws did a wonderful job making me feel like a member of their family on our first married Christmas. At first I thought it would be extremely hard not to see any of my family on Christmas, but I made it through.

Once again, no clue why this is sideways. Too bad, because it's actually a good picture of us!
Honestly I'm relieved the holiday's are over. On December 30th we celebrated my Hubby's 25th bday in Memphis. No pictures because I was laid up in bed the whole time with the flu. Which brings me to today. On day 7 of being sick and I'm just hanging out on the couch. That's why I thought now was a good time to start blogging again. It's a new year. Time to hit the refresh button and look forward to what is hopefully a better year. I am honestly full of hope for 2012. Not just for me, but for my family and friends.

Yes it will! :)
Happy New Year to all of you!

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