Back to this morning. People are always saying 'There are two types of people in this world...' and here is my version! I truley believe that the two types are those that love nothing more than to sleep away a Saturday morning and those who prefer to spring out of bed, bright and early to go and buy curtains or far more perplexing, go the gym.
I remember the day I came to that conclusion very clearly. I was eleven and it was the Sunday morning after the school 'camp out.' All us kids had pitched tents in the school field and spent the weekend gorging ourselves on hotdogs and riding a mechanical bull in the school hall. It sounds quite wild but fear not, there were just as many parents as there were kids to keep us from overdosing on cola and candy. On Sunday morning, my friend Megan and I were woken by an army of ants, tucking into a breakfast of crusty Nik Naks that were scattered around our feet. As we stumbled out into the daylight, kids everywhere were attempting to dismantle their tents while parents instructed 'Leave the pegs to me, they're dangerous!' Standing in my pyjamas, all I could think was 'I cannot wait to climb into my proper bed and hopefully, have another hotdog for dinner.' Just as that thought entered my mind, a rather peppy girl in my class declared 'All I want to do is pack up, take a shower and go for a nice refreshing run!'
I knew then, that I would never be that kind of girl.
Who I inherited these lazy genes from, I have no idea. My mom has been known to fire up the vacuum at 8am while my dad and brother are long gone by 5am, paddling around the harbour with a couple of fishing rods and smelly bait boxes. These days, I'm sound asleep at that hour but it wasn't long ago when I'd be stumbling up the driveaway ala Avril Lavigne post-bender while my dad and brother hauled tackle into the car, tuttering 'that Lauren.'
Perhaps I have a lazy uncle I've never met. A lazy aunt would be even better I think. We could meet for coffee at the reasonable hour of 3pm and regale each with stories of last night's sitcoms and choice of oversized animal slippers. No, I don't think I'll ever grow out of this sleeping-in malarkey unless I'm forced to of course, by a future child of sorts. Knowing my luck, he or she will be the running type!
If you, lovely reader, are the 'get up and go' type, you must know that I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. You are probably also very good at washing your make-up off after a big night out and roasting vegetables. I long to attain at least 10% of those abilities so maybe you can help me along. Speaking of make-up, soon I'm going to tell you about this super product below! Chat soon. x
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