2. My mom and sister are currently on their way in to town so we can do some shoe shopping for my sister's prom.
3. Tomorrow Gabe's fraternity is having an alumni crawfish boil. This will be our first year attending since Gabe graduated and went alum. I'm excited to see all of our old friends and eat some yummy crawfish!
4. What to wear to a crawfish boil.... A dilemma every year.
5. I really love that I have gotten so many new followers this week! Thank you ladies!
6. My new swimsuits that I ordered from Victoria Secret came in today! Now it's time to really up the work outs...
Okay so now for another edition of When Fashion Makes Me Sad:
Ladies let me introduce to you a huge fashion FAIL. These horrendous boots come to you compliments of Louis Vuitton. They retail for $2,080.00

Anyway what are your thoughts on these shoes? Have any fun weekend plans?
Have a great afternoon and weekend ya'll!
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