Saturday, January 29, 2011

Waterfall... Hair Post #29!!

Oh my goodness. Only two hair posts left! Can you believe it?? I can't. But I must admit, I'm excited to be able to repeat hairdo's. Haha!

Today's hairdo is a Waterfall braid. (I know I lied when I said we'd already had our last braid post. I did say "May Be")

Don't judge picture. No makeup, frizzy hair (looks super thin too...) eh.

Anyways, to do this braid- you start at the hairline on either side of your head (I did both sides and pined in the back) with a small section of hair. Braid so that it'll end up at the back of your head (horizontal). Braid each strand once, then start your half french braid with the top strand- but don't actually mix the strands. When you braid those strands to the center of your braid, let the new picked up strand go so it is hanging straight down, then braid normal. Repeat whenever it's the top strands turn.

Does that make any sense?? It's kind of difficult to explain. Good Luck!

P.S. My good friend/ old roommate left a comment on my last post letting me know her success story about using one of my hairdo's!! It literally tickled my heart. She said she's going to post about it soon, so head on over to Live Beautifully and see how it went for her!

Please let me know any of your success stories with my hairdo's. I'd seriously LOVE to hear them!! :D

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