Here's another fabulous blogger you may already know! Please say hi to Busy Bee Lauren. She's married to her Ted and lives in the US of A. This girl LOVES colour and prints and I love her for it. Here's a little Q&A sesh we had over mail. (How darn cute is she?)
1. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Hmm...probably waiting 2 years without talking or seeing Ted, while he served a mission in Madagascar. I got to a point where I forgot what his voice sounded like. Insane.
2. If you could photograph anyone, who would you choose and why?
I'm assuming they could be living or dead...and in that case I have to go with Gene Kelly. I love him so much. I would personally love to photograph him while he danced, because he holds his body in such a way that it looks elegant and at the same time, manly. It's amazing.
3. Most romantic thing you've ever done?
I actually am not very romantic. I'm not really a touchy feely kind of person. I think love is small acts of kindness each day to show the person you care about them, and are thinking about them. Whether it be, leaving ted a sticky note that says i love him, on his steering wheel, or getting up early to make him breakfast. It's about the day to day. Because in the end, it's not about a few grand romantic gestures that keep people together and in's about the daily acts of love.
4. What's the one thing you wish you had more time to do?
Read! I already read so much as it is, but I wish I could just lay on my sofa reading all day. Wouldn't that be glorious?
5. How would you spend an extra 50 bucks today?
I'd really like to take those 50 dollars and go thrifting for some excellent vintage goodness!
Thrifting and sticky notes. A girl after my own heart. Thanks for dropping by Lauren! You can follow Lauren here and tell her that Lauren sent you. It's not gonna be confusing at all.
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