Friday, November 25, 2011


How was everyone's Thanksgiving?! Or- How was everyone's Thursday?! :D I had a great Thanksgiving, it was a little different this year. Usually we get all dressed up, go see a movie, come home and eat dinner, then lounge on the couch. But there were no movies we wanted to see this year (my dad wasn't really excited about Breaking Dawn... Shocking?), and it was just my sister, mom, dad, grandma, uncle, and myself. (we usually have more people) So instead- my dad and I took the 4wheeler up into the hills before our early dinner. It was a lovely morning/afternoon in the mountains. My kinda day. :)

It was crisp and overcast. You could feel the temperature drop as we climbed.
(yes, that's a frozen pond)

I can't get enough of these mountains.

We also saw lots of wildlife! Now, I KNOW these pictures are TERRIBLE. But I had to zoom a lot. And my camera only has a 10x zoom before it starts loosing quality... Plus these animals would have ran if we had gotten any closer. So bad photos it is...
Wild Turkeys (how appropriate right?!) and mountain goats. Also some deer, but I didn't take any pics. I see them all the time.

If you look closely you can see the mountain goats to the side of me. 3 white dots. One is up higher and the other two are down lower.

Here's my dad! Gotta love his puffy orange coat. At least it kept us safe and easily spotted by those families who were in the hills practicing their shooting...

Here's a 360 degree collage from where we stopped. It's crazy how different Utah is. On the East we have the beautiful lush mountains and on the West we have the vast dry deserts.

Then we headed home and had our Thanksgiving feast! Mmmmmmmm....

Everything was made from scratch. My mom and grandma are awesome. She was practically finished by the time I'd offered to help. I need to be better at that. She starts the night before so it's not so hard the next day.
Sweet Potatoes with roasted Marshmallows
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Homemade Rolls
Homemade and homegrown Grape Juice
Turkey (duh!)
oh it was dellliiiiiissssssshhhh....

There was/is pie. But I didn't even think to take a pic. I don't like pie, so I just had second dinner... :/ haha! (don't judge me too much- our first dinner was really like lunch... haha!)

I'd love to hear how your Thanksgiving/ Thursday was! Please, do tell! :)

Might as well enter the Poshlocket Giveaway while you're here! :)

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