The Easter bunny knows where I like to shop! I've been wanting this cosmetic case for awhile now and was so excited to get it this morning. I also got some yummy candy. Gabe made fun of me for still getting an Easter basket at 22. It pays to have a ten year old brother at home.
Gabe and me in my parents backyard. It was a dreary day and it didn't really rain, but misted all day. Which meant my hair was terrible! Gabe looks so cute in his pink Ralph Lauren shirt though. His shirt was a run out and buy it last night because all his nice spring button ups were at the dry cleaners kind of thing. Stressful!
My little cousin Emma got into my lipstick and makeup. Haha she kept asking me if she looked beautiful? So cute!
All of the Easter eggs were decorated with the grandkids names. Ignore the dirty table cloth. This was at the kids table!
Of course we had to have one that said "Go Hogs!" We love our Razorbacks!
Gabe and mine's eggs
My cousin Meagan decorated these eggs with cute faces:
It was such a great day and now we are home and exhausted! I'm trying to figure out what to do with all of this candy because I can't keep it all at home or it would be eaten in about two days. I'm thinking about just taking a few pieces of each to keep for myself and tell Gabe to take the rest to work to let his co workers have. I hope ya'll had a good weekend! I'm about to go enjoy what's left of my weekend.
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