Tuesday, February 16, 2010

all those quick recipes




Saturday Landon and I attended the Chictopia10 summit, it was, put delicately, interesting. I was very flattered that we were invited but couldn't help the feeling that we were terribly out of place in this crowd of fashion blogging enthusiasts. I was shy and stuck mostly in my seat next to Landon occasionally making my way through the crowd of pretty ladies to fill a plate full of delicious snacks. The organizers had the best intentions but not exactly the best execution for those intentions as the conference suffered numerous technical difficulties and delays. I've no doubt though that their next conference will be a great success and I'm grateful that they considered us to join them. It was neat to see familiar blog faces in the flesh like fellow Canadian Lydia, California girl Erin, Quiksilver friend Taghrid and Susan of ModCloth. The day has left me with plenty to think about and I've decided to make a few changes to this blog. So as I start anew I want to share a few things about myself you may (or may not) know!

1. I am 25, I have been married for almost four years to my best friend Landon. We are, at present, without babies or kittens, we plan to remedy one of those things shortly, can you guess which? 

2. Landon, while a bit beastman looking, is the most kind, peaceful and enlightened being I've had the pleasure of knowing. He also has incredible gap teeth (of which I am quite envious as my snaggle tooth is every day inching it's way out of my mouth). 

3. We are rich in love but not in dollars. The result has made us thrifty shoppers leaving us with a home (and closet) full of priceless oddities. About 98% of my closet is made up of goodies I've found digging through smelly, often stained, occasionally peed hundred pound bails of clothes at raghouses. This glamorous shopping method has found me face to face with bloody bandaids, insects of all varities (one that hitched a ride home on my boob once) large crates that have fallen on me and a decapitated mouse head (and later the body). I'm a bit useless at shopping in the traditional manner now - there is no adventure in it! 

4. This year I started my own vintage buying company with one of my greatest friends who lives on the west coast. My fingers are crossed as we shipped out our first order last week. It's an exciting and gratifying feeling to work for yourself (but scary when there is television, food and eventually a kitty or two to distract you). 

5. I love women. When someone with the same bits as mine expresses affection towards me I am ebullient, I am as a result quite shy around the fairer sex at first which often sends the wrong message. I am caught in a highschool boy's cycle of affection. 

Feel free to ask me some questions of your own! (perhaps while you are thinking of some you can pop over to Alex's blog and send her a picture of your rump! For rewards, of course.)

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