jordan said...
In a teacup I combine milk, honey and a tablespoon of sugar. Rub it onto your wet face. It's a great exfoliant, and makes your skin incredibly soft!
You can also just add the sugar to your normal cleanser, it's easier.
Diana said...
There are TONS of amazing home remedies and beauty treatments you make with ingredients in your pantry at
A couple that I really love for oily skin and pimples are: Acne Dermabrasion Treatment with Eggs.
Rosie said...
i love home treatments. my favourite is a green tea face scrub. you make a cup of green tea, but only fill about a third of the cup with water. then put 3 tablespoons of sugar into a bowl, and add a tablespoon of green tea. then add a teaspoon of lemon, and viola!! green tea face scrub. you can also use it on you lips, which works really well. it makes my skin super soft and clear, and i get terrible skin at times! the scrub lasts for a week in the fridge, and you can use the left over green tea as toner. hope this helps!!
But of course, the best advice was the one I was hoping not to hear (curse you delicious foods!)
meet me in japan said...
Forget the topical treatments for your skin. It's breaking out because of the foods you put inside. Eat fresh fruit, juice fresh fruit and vegetables (if you can) - DON'T EAT LATE and drink lots of water with a normal sleep. Skip the breads, starch and junk for a few days. Eat salads.
You're breaking out in the chin area because of yeast or sugar overdose probably.
If you want a topical treatment, let your skin breathe for a couple of days without products and you can steam it with a clay mask after, fresh aloe vera or whatever you've got.
(Honorable mention goes to strange spam that recommends to "Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you will not have a leg to stand on.")
Landon and I have been invited to attend the upcoming Chictopia10 conference! Even more exciting than my own invitation was seeing that my beloved and talented friend Alexandra Grecco has been selected along with four other designers to showcase her beautiful collection! I'm very excited as this will no doubt open the floodgates to much deserved success for her. Many congratulations Alex!
Now that we're back in wonderful, blizzardy New York I've begun unwrapping all of the goodies amassed while away starting with these five dresses that I'm trying to pick from for Saturday's events.
what's your pick of the pack?
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