Thursday, July 8, 2010

A favorite summer beauty product

Happy Thursday! With the temperatures in central Arkansas lingering around 100 for the past month, I'm all about beauty products that feel refreshing. Bliss Spa Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask is my HG. I found it last summer at Sephora when I bought a bliss spa travel set to take to Vegas and this came with it. It is absolutely amazing. I can't live without it. I'm actually out of it right now and I've been obsessing over it until I can get to Sephora in Little Rock to buy another bottle.
Here's what Sephora has to say about it:

"Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask
What it is:
A frothy mask that releases oxygen into the skin, so your complexion is instantly brighter, fresher, and younger-looking.

What it is formulated to do:
Instantly delivers a shot of oxygen, a powerhouse form of vitamin C, time-released antioxidants, and a moisture fix, to spiff up your complexion when it's looking and feeling lackluster.

What else you need to know:
Inspired by Bliss Spa's most-famous facial, which gives skin the energy it needs for everyday metabolism, collagen synthesis, and detoxifying action."

I use it once a week or anytime I wake up looking like a zombie and my skin needs a boost. I also love it in the winter when my skin is looking dull and I want a product that won't dry it out even more. I keep a travel size handy because it's the best way to revive your skin after a flight. So, you need this. Actually I need this because I'm literally having withdrawls from it. Bliss also has an oxygen moisturizer from this line that I'm interested in trying.
So have any of ya'll ever tried this product? What were your thoughts on it? Also, what is a product you can't live without?

I hope everyone is having a good week! We're almost to the weekend! Oh and send positive thoughts my way because I have my physics final tomorrow. Yikes!

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