Hey guys! Today we have the guest post from this weeks Blog of the Week- Nicole from her blog "Running in Heels". She has such a fun blog and inspires me all the time with her love of running. So read her post then head on over to her blog and give her some love!
Hi there, Gentri Lee readers!
Hi there, Gentri Lee readers!
I'm Nicole & I blog over at Running in Heels

Because I'm a runner. And between attending class to become a Physical Therapist and running to stay active, my wardrobe consists mostly of those fabulous drifit running clothes. So if you're looking for a fashion blog, I'd recommend you continue your search elsewhere, unless of course you find spandex and sweaty hair fashionable :)
Being the health & fitness nerd that I am, I blog a lot about living healthy and you guessed it, running. I also blog about my life, which is crazy at times, and my adventure of returning to college after taking 2 years off. Who would have guessed it. Not me! Anyway, I've been running for about 12 years now, so it's safe to say that it has become a part of my not-so-normal, everyday life. I ran my first half marathon when I was in college, and my first full marathon the very next year. Since, I've become an addict, what can I say.
I also have an addict dog. Dakota was welcomed into my life when I lived in Colorado after I graduated from college, and quickly grew to love running just like her mama. The minute she sees me putting on my running gear, it's all over. And those days when I don't want to run, well, just imagine saying no to this sweet face:
Doesn't happen much. And since I treat her like she's my baby, you'll see a lot of her on my blog.
She kind of tends to steal the show.
I'm also a country girl at heart, even though I grew up and currently live in the city. It's kind of weird if you think about it. But I have this desire deep down inside to be a true Southern Belle. I want to be able to say "bless your heart" on a daily basis without getting looked at like I've lost my mind. I also want to drink sweet tea all day everyday. Northerners just don't know how to do sweet tea, or bless people's hearts. Another reason I want to be a Southern Belle and live in the country is because I'd like to have the option to do this:

Even though Southern Belles probably don't do that. Can't please 'em all. But you definitely can't be pulling that thing out in the city. That was the first time I ever shot a gun by the way, and it just-so-happened to be 3 short months ago while visiting family in Missouri. I screamed directly after I pulled the trigger because that thing almost blew my shoulder out. Maybe I should just stick to running. And keeping spandex and sweaty hair fashionable!
I absolutely LOVE Nicole! So please go check out her blog right HERE!
P.S. Have you entered the Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza yet?!
I absolutely LOVE Nicole! So please go check out her blog right HERE!
P.S. Have you entered the Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza yet?!
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