Friday, May 21, 2010

Some thoughts

Hello everyone.
I wanted to share a few thoughts with you today. I’m still fairly new to blogging but something that’s really hit home for me recently is how blogging is largely about community. All the conversations we’ve shared here have had a really positive effect on my life. From chatting to you and reading your blogs, I have learnt so much about a range of topics from baking and photography to fashion and life issues. I didn’t really know what I was going to write about when I started this blog. Like many bloggers, I’d see things either online or out and about and wanted to celebrate them by means of a post. I’m not an expert on any particular topic but I love to learn new things and write about what I discover along the way. I’m still trying to find my ‘blogging voice’ as it were and to establish the ‘type’ of blog that Glossary is. I started to realize that it’s essentially an online scrapbook. It’s not a fashion blog per se. It’s really a place for me to chat about the people, places and things that inspire me. I’ve found I’m writing more and more about fashiony things these days because it’s something I’ve developed an interest in over the past two years. I’ve always had a passion for journalism and Glossary also gives me the opportunity to write in a way that wouldn’t necessarily be suited to a magazine. I don’t want this blog to feel like a brand, I want it to feel like a cosy corner where we can chat about happy things. The truth is, I’ve struggled with clothes and self-esteem issues for many years and I still do. I hid behind long hair and tee shirts because I didn’t feel worthy of wearing a nice dress. Now, I know that’s bullocks! Everyone deserves to enjoy fashion regardless of his or her shape or size. I do feel a bit silly posting pictures of myself here but it’s a good exercise in self-esteem, I reckon! During my year in London, I realized that, hey, a simple thing like a pretty dress can make you feel happy and confidant which is wonderful. Fashion has this stigma of being superficial and judgemental and certain elements of the industry are, but clothes can also have a positive effect on a woman’s self esteem which can only be a good thing. I feel like this is a fun, safe place to chat about silly things like what to wear on the plane or where to buy some ballet pumps. Just, regular girly stuff! I’ve always had a passion for art and music but I’m starting to appreciate that fashion is an art form as well. The stitching, the fabrics, it can transport you to a wonderful world of make believe! I don’t slavishly follow trends and my close friends will attest to this. I’m just an ordinary girl who loves to watch a nice film, eat some chocolate and wear a pretty dress from time to time. Something I’ve also considered is how much to reveal about my life online. I know that, for now, I’m not comfortable using Glossary as an online diary or window into all the areas of my life. So what you read is an extremely edited version of my life and of course, most people understand this. Sometimes I wander if I give the impression that my life is just trips to the mall and cupcakes in the kitchen! Obviously, it’s not. I have ups and downs in all areas of my life just like anyone else. I just choose not to write about them here because it’s personal and it’s a process. I appreciate that some people prefer to reveal more and work through their stuff online and that’s fine, we just all have different comfort areas when it comes to sharing. I do, however, love taking pictures of a book I’ve enjoyed or a cute pair of shoes and I’m going to continue ‘scrapbooking’ the simple things that bring a little joy to my life. You are always welcome to pop in for a browse and a chat. I’m deeply grateful for your visits and messages of support. They are the most wonderful boost and they fuel my creativity. I also thank you for all the tips and info you share with me.

Well, those were just thoughts I wanted to share. I hope you have a lovely Friday evening and a relaxing weekend. x

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