Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm baaaaack!

You know you're a blogger when:
-you go throughout your day and think "I should blog that!" (even when you're on a posting break)
-You're more daring in your fashion choices
-You put things together (fabrics, color choices, etc) and those around you say "I don't think that's gonna work" but they're quickly corrected and even amazed (I knew it would work)

That was kind of how my week without blogging went. I spent my days thinking about what I could blog about and being daring in my color choices. Love it.

I feel like I have so much to tell you! A week is a long time in this little blogging world! Remember that project I was working on?? Wellllll IT'S DONE! When I realized that tonight I quickly ran down to the computer to blog. Mmmmmmmmm I am home... hahaha!

What is this amazing project you ask? Well, that's just it... I can't tell you yet! Haha! I spent the last two weeks working on my mom's birthday present! She went down to Pheonix to visit my dad (who is working there) and while she was out, I had some fun. :) She gets home Saturday though! So expect the reveal then! Woot woot!

I was also randomly asked to be two lovely ladies photographer over the weekend!
(disclaimer: I am NOT a professional. I only have a point and shoot, I've never been trained, and no photoshop. SO if you are a professional or a professional critic... be nice)
But I do LOVE taking pictures, so I quickly said yes! And these I CAN reveal to you. :)



So there you go. I am back! I know your life was incomplete without my posts. :) Aw! I just love you guys!!!

OH!! And a BIG Thank You to my first 2 "Bloggers of the Week"! They are amazing and I'm so glad they were able to step in while I was out.

Missed their posts? Check them out HERE and HERE.

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