Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Christmas Playlist

Hey guys! I pretty much have the best Christmas playlist ever, and decided it was time to share it. :) haha! Jk. But it is PRETTY awesome. I love the classics- OF COURSE! But I really love finding new Christmas songs. So here is my list of the best NEW Christmas songs. Some are full albums, some are singles, some I only like the one song on the album. You know how it goes.

I also know that this post is kind of a mess, but since a lot of these aren't super well known I couldn't make an online playlist (to my knowledge. you know? help a sista out!), and I wanted you to be able to check out a piece of each one right here, so I decided to post videos from youtube. (except for number 3, because they don't have any videos on youtube.)

1. Mindy Gledhill's "Winter Moon" Album (there's a regular non-puppet version too)

2. The Hotel Cafe Presents Winter Songs (most of the album)

3. The Lower Lights "Come Let Us Adore Him" Album

4. A Fine Frenzie "Oh, Blue Christmas" Album

5. Cold Play "Christmas Lights" Single

6. The Weepies "All That I Want" single

7. Meghan Smith "Wish Upon A Star" Album

8. Enya "And Winter Came" Album

9. She & Him "A Very She & Him Christmas" Album

10. Hue and Hum "Hue & Hum Christmas" (Pst! Hue- Caitlin, blogs over HERE!)

You can download a free track from Hue & Hum by Liking and visiting their Facebook Page! :D

P.S. You only have until Midnight tonight to enter the Dave Owens Music giveaway! Go go go!

P.P.S. something VERY exciting will be happening here tomorrow! So be sure to check back!! Eeep!

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