Friday, March 25, 2011

Dance... Inspiration Post #25!

Today I am inspired by dance. I have danced since I was three and it's always been a huge part of my life. I am now teaching, and I love it! I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't danced.

I know there was a request to post a video of me dancing. Well, I'm still working on that one. For now, here are some VERY low quality pictures of the ballet I attended tonight. It was Peter Pan by the Utah Regional Ballet. My good friend Rachelle starred as Wendy, and a previous student of mine danced in the Lagoon scene. It was so much fun to see them do so well! It was a really fun show.

Here are the Darling children with Peter Pan about to head off to Never Land.
See? Terrible quality. Sorry. No flash photography.

This one is a LITTLE better. This was the scene where the Lost Boys meet Wendy. It was so cute. The scenery and costuming was excellent!

Moving on.

I was tagged in a fun little game by Pia called the "handwriting game". So here you go...

1. Write your name/ name of your blog- Gentri
2. What is the URL of your blog?-
3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Write your favorite quote- "You may not see what He is shaping you to be"
5. What is your favorite song?- "No way I could ever pick a favorite"
6. What is your favorite music right now?- "Anything HAPPY!"
7. What do you think about your handwriting?- "It's sloppy. It's also half cursive and half print."
8. Tag 3 other people (I tagged 5)

(if you've already been tagged, sorry. You're it again. haha! jk)

Anyone out there know how to analyze someone's handwriting? Since I write in half cursive half print... does that mean I'm undecisive? I could see that. haha!

Side Note: I heard recently that those who are kids right now will not learn or know about cursive handwriting... I think that's awful. I prefer writing in cursive. I can't write in just print. If I do it's all caps...

Happy Weekend!!!!!

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