So this is the lip liner I bought to wear to the weddings. It’s called Nightmoth by MAC. I'm not really wild about having anything moth related on my lips but there you go. I actually wanted a lipstick by MAC called Hang Up but it was sold out. What's with these names? I’ve always wanted to have a job naming things like lipsticks and wall paints. It must be super fun. I mean, what the heck does Hang Up mean? My first lipstick will be called Take Down. Yeah! Normally, I just slick on some gloss but for a special occasion, I'll bust out some colour ala Gwen!
And as promised, here are the links to some cool SA blogs I recently discovered . You might be following them already but in case you’re not, there you go x
The Package Project
Fancy getting a pretty parcel in the post? Join the Package Project!
Miss Moss
A clean, pretty design site. Inspiring stuff.
Cape Town Girl
Alex has a razor sharp wit I wish I possessed just a smidgen of. She used to write the hilarious MyBrandedLife TM.
Hurricane Vanessa
What does the editor of Cosmo SA blog about? Find out here!
Chit chat about love, life, kids and work with our SA ladies. I scribbled up a mini city guide for Durban here today. Bye!
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