Thank you for all the well wishes on my previous post! Your kind thoughts were successful as my sense of taste returned just in time for a dinner of delicious chicken of the fried variety. I was also able to control my leaky nostrils for brunch with the truly lovely and most enjoyable breakfast companion Ginny of GinnyBranch fame. I left our meeting grinning unabashedly at having met such a jewel of a lady.
One of the changes I had planned to make on this blog was to avoid future updates featuring me wearing hats or sulking in front of my wall (will continue those vainglorious activities on flickr) but I'm making a special exception with this entry to announce the upcoming launch of our ebay store! I'm sharing the date with you because I will then be held accountable to honor that date (which I am unlikely to do if left to my own devises which include plenty of food procrastination, watching Emma Thompson movies and trying to push my teeth into a straight line with my thumbs - a so far unsuccessful venture). The date is March 21st, which along with being national teenagers day, children's poetry and single (I had written "singal" and couldn't figure out why dotted red lines were telling me I was wrong, perhaps should sleep and not write in blog while on nighttime medicine) parent's day is also the first day of spring (though wikipedia says otherwise). In celebration I've picked out a selection of spring-like attire including the dress above. In truth I'm a bit nervous about the whole online selling business - I feel not unlike grandparent's trying to navigate this new (to me) technology. My experience buying online is quite limited so selling will be interesting. While on the subject of internet selling I want to introduce you to an old friend of Landon named Tiffany! Tiffany runs a shop on etsy called Kitten Paws Vintage where she sells a delicious selection of hats and gunne sax. I was lucky enough to nab the perfect floral hat pictured below from her shop. Thank you Tiffany!
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