**This is a long post. Sorry!**
So my spring break has been amazingly relaxing thus far. Friday, Gabe and I really pushed ourselves with a hill run. Afterwards my knee was bothering me so I was layed up on the couch for the rest of the evening. But Gabe took care of me by getting a pizza (undoing the run we just took) and two movies. We watched Up in the Air (with my favorite George Clooney) and The September Issue. I was pretty shocked he picked up The September Issue for me since it's a fashion documentary. But he said he knew how bad I've been wanting to watch it. (So thoughtful!) Saturday we honestly slept til noon! I don't know why or how but when I woke up I was almost in shock. Gabe usually wakes up no later than 8 on the weekends but he was still fast asleep. He had soccer games that afternoon so while he was gone I got a workout in and cleaned the apartment. When he came home, he had another surprise for me... New Moon!!! Haha I can't believe he watched so many chick flicks this weekend. We were going to go on a little date Sat. night but it was downright cold and nasty out (great first day of spring) so we stayed in and watched movies again. It was nice to get some quality alone time together without the stress of school and work making us busy. Sunday we got up early and had our usual Starbucks brunch. I'm ready for the new Panera to open so we start having more options for Sunday brunch. Then we spent the rest of the day furniture shopping because in May, we're moving to a bigger apartment!! We found a bedroom suit that we LOVE. We're ordering it today so in about 6 weeks it will be here! I'm so excited! Now, we just have to find a new kitchen table and a new coffee table we agree on.In other news: I'm giving my hair a styling tools break. Yep, no hairdryer, straightener, or curling iron for the past 4 days. I've been doing lots of hair repair treatments and letting my hair do it's natural thing. I actually haven't missed the styling tools. My hair naturally does the beachy waves thing so it's actually pretty cute when I just let it go. I usually give myself one day a week to go natural, but with all the highlighting and poofing my hair still gets pretty damaged. That's why I've been doing the extended break. Some of my favorite hair saving products are:
I put a fair amount of this through my wet hair and let it dry naturally. The result: soft, wavy hair that looks extremely healthy. I also use this once a week as an overnight hair mask. I comb it through my dry hair, go to sleep, and wash my hair as usual in the morning. I love this stuff!
Garnier Fructis 3-minute undo dryness reversal treatment. This is a great inexpensive deep conditioner. It works very well and since I started using it once a week last fall I can tell a big difference in my hair. I recommend this for anyone who highlights their hair or uses a blow dryer every day.

Well that's all for today, I'm heading to my parents house this afternoon to stay the night and eat all their food! :) Note to self: double my workout in preparation for all the food.
Have a great day!!!
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