Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sipping tea with Sandra Beijer


If Alice in Wonderland had a blog, it would probably look like Sandra Beijer’s. Inside Niotillfem, you’ll find secrets from Sandra’s diaries, love letters to her boyfriend Ludde, glitter strewn dance floors and friends curled on couches. She writes about falling in love and broken hearts, lonely bus rides and New York picnics. Every week, 70 000 people pop into her blog to see what she's been up to. In case you've never 'met' Sandy before, let me tell you a bit about her. She's 25 and lives in Stockholm where she works as a copywriter. Her favourite meal of the day is breakfast and she loves masquerade parties. I’ve emailed her a couple of times and she always sends the sweetest replies. I hope I can take her for tea one day but for now, we chat over email about four of her favourite things: love, fashion, traveling and blogging.
Hi Sandra! When you started your blog in 2005, did you ever dream it would attract the following that it has today?
No, never! Originally I started the blog with one of my friends Andrea. She was moving to Paris and we saw the blog as an e-mail conversation with each other. But along the road, a lot of other people started to read our conversations. Andrea stopped blogging, and I continued. I love blogging, it's like making a scrap book and writing a diary in one!

Do you still write in a diary as well as your blog?
Yes, I still write in diaries but not as often as I did before.

How does it feel, knowing that thousands of people are reading your words every day?
I don’t really think about it. It feels like we are maybe only 12 friends, telling secrets and drinking tea together.

Do people ever recognize you on the street and stop to speak with you?
Not very often, but it happens. Especially on weekends if I go out clubbing. I guess people are braver when they've been drinking beer :)

Does your family read your blog? You guys seem very close.
My whole family read my blog. They find it cute. My mother is very proud of me, just like a typical mum!

Congratulations on your two-year anniversary with Ludde! You refer to him as ‘The Wind’ on your blog. Why ‘The Wind?’
It's a funny story. When I first started dating him, my friend Sebastian thought he looked like this guy in the video. I thought it was really funny, and suddenly everyone was referring to him as "The Wind".

Haha! That ad is brilliant. You and Ludde seem to have an amazing romance. What attracted you guys to each other?
He is my best friend. We have so much fun together, he always makes me laugh and I can tell him everything and he always understands. And also, he has the softest kisses.


You’ve told us about the most romantic things that the boys in your life have done for you. What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for Ludde?
Hmm.. I give him breakfast in bed at least two times a week and I surprise him with plane tickets when he least expect it. Next week, New York, but don't tell him!


We won't! Are you still planning to write a novel about love? I would buy copies for each of my friends!
It's my biggest dream. I just need more time…someday!


Like Elsa, you prefer skirts and dresses to jeans and pants. Do you ever look at girls in jeans and feel like changing up your look?
Yes, when I see fifties-style jeans in blue denim and high waits. I’m still looking for the perfect pair.


How does Swedish style compare to say, New York and London?
Less color in Stockholm. It feels like everyone here is dressed in black. Very boring.


In 2006, you visited Kenya with your family on Safari. Can you please tell us a bit about your African experience?
So, so, so beautiful, calm and a wonderful smell in the air. Fresh and adventurous at the same time.


You’ve traveled to some amazing places. What are the top five cities you’d like to visit that you’ve never been to before?
1. San Francisco
2. Shanghai
3. Bali
4. Melbourne
5. Barcelona

Is there anywhere else in the world you’d like to live for a while?
I have to live in New York again. I also would like to live in Paris. And San Fransisco, even though I've never been there :)


Sandra’s Dressing Table
Lipstick: Make up Store - Alarm!
Eyeliner: Mac - Black boot
Mascara: Loreal - Lash Architect
Nail Polish: Almost never wear nail polish, i bite my nails!
Perfume: Floret by Antonia Bellanca


What are your five favourite pieces of clothing?

1. My new Mulberry Alexa
2. Prada shoes
3. H&M dress
4. Coat from Minimarket
5. Vintage sailor dress

Thank you Sandra! Have fun in New York!

You can visit Sandra's wonderful blog here. Isn't she just lovely? Do you regularily read Niotillfem or is this the first time you've met Sandra? I was introduced to her by Nadia last year and I've dropped by Niotillfem about every day since! If there's a blogger you'd like to introduce me to - including yourself of course - please feel free to do so in the comments below. Thanks!

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