19-year-old Carrie lives in London with her boyfriend, Miguel. Here, she studies fashion and writes the wonderful wishwishwish! Visiting her blog is like opening an antique wardrobe, filled with beautiful clothes and vintage suitcases. You'll always leave feeling happy and inspired! Join us as we chat over email and cupcakes...
Hi Carrie, how are you?
I'm great, thanks for asking!
What did you get up to today?
Well, i've only just woken up so my day has just begun, but I can tell you my plans instead! I'm going to have a shower, then make my way into town to post some items I sold on eBay and if all goes well, take some pictures for my blog and come home and upload them! Nothing too exciting i'm afraid, i'm looking forward to relaxing a bit.
You're studying Fashion Design, Styling & Promotion. How's that going?
It's great fun, but far more work than i'm used to. It's a shame as it means that my blog takes a backseat as on average I have around 3-4 assignments on the go at any one time. Despite the tight deadlines, I have a good time - we do things like creating magazine pages, styling photoshoots and producing fashion shows.
What do you want to do when your studies wrap?
I'm still unsure. My course gives huge scope for working in different areas of fashion, so i'm just experimenting at the moment and seeing what I like and what I don't (for example, styling is a definate no-no!). I think i'd enjoy something online based, i'm a geek at heart!
You're as cute as a button, sweet. How would you describe your personal style?
I always find it so difficult answering this question - my personal style is changing all the time, believe it or not. I suppose everyone would assume I love polkadots and peter pan collars, which is true, but i'm trying to experiment a little more - i'm only 19, so I have a lifetime to perfect it!
Have you always had a flair for fashion?
It has only been over the past few years that i've really been interested in what is happening on the catwalks, but I suppose i've always been conscious of what I wore. Even if that meant band t-shirts, ripped jeans and studs (yes! I went through that phase!), I still wanted to look good. So, the interest has always been there, but perhaps I just had to practice getting it right!
Your blog is such a lovely, cosy spot on the web. How has it evolved since it's beginning in May '08?
Wow, I can't believe it was that long ago! When I started the blog, I never imagined the opportunities it would bring me, or the praise I would receive from my readers. It started out as a personal diary, I didn't know much about fashion in the truest sense of the word, but writing about what I liked was very important to me - and it still is!
Once a blog reaches a certain level of success, it is very easy for the writer to get caught up in the PR emails and events tailored towards them writing about it afterwards, but then you get a series of blogs that are writing about the same things and perhaps only because they got something for free - and that's such a shame because you lose the reason you were writing the blog in the first place. In my case, my blog is a diary of my personal style and taste, with a bit of "what I got up to today" thrown in for good measure, and I want it to stay that way!
Is there anything you wish you'd known about blogging then that you know now?
About how much time it takes! At college it was far easier for me to scour the internet for inspiration or go out and take pictures, but now I have less time it's proving difficult to write regular posts, which really upsets me as my blog is one of my most prized possessions and i'd hate to think i'm neglecting it! Readers can come to rely on your posts and i'm not a huge fan of negative comments.
You're a marvellous photographer, Carrie! How do you go about shooting your pics? Any tips or tricks you wouldn't mind sharing?
Thank you! I have never had any sort of training in photography, the secret is in my camera and lens, and perhaps a good eye! I take lots and lots of photos and only the best get put on my blog, of course, a little bit of editing never goes amiss - it can turn a dull image into something more exciting. It's all about practise!
You recently moved into a new home with your boyfriend, Miguel. Can you describe it for us please!
I'm still in the process of making the new house my own, only yesterday I put up an "inspiration line" in the office for me to hang up my favourite pictures. It's in the early stages but it's fabulous to be living somewhere as a student that has plenty of room - I even get half of our large office space and my own bathroom - it's a luxury! Of course, i'll post lots and lots of pictures as soon as it's looking beautiful.
If I could build you a walk-in wardrobe, how would you like it to look and feel?
Well, i'm a Virgo so I like to be organised, but at the same time a bit of familiar old clutter puts a smile on my face - I love having my little trinkets everywhere I go to spend time. So, my walk-in wardrobe would perhaps have the look and feel of a small vintage boutique, with rails for all of my clothes and inventive ways to store my shoes, there would be old pictures to inspire my outfits all over the walls. Of course, I would need special hangers just for all of my berets! And i've always fancied a chaise longue...
How long have and Miguel been together? Is he as passionate about aesthetics as you are?
Myself and Miguel have been together 4 years in July. Such a long time! We got together when I was 15, so i've nearly been with him a quarter of my life..that's so strange! He's very passionate about aesthetics, as he is studying Digital Animation, and is a keen photographer too. We're very well matched!
That's lovely! Now, back to clothes. What are the absolute cant-do-without pieces in your wardrobe?
This is another toughie! I'm just taking a peek now at my clothing rail, and my favourite pieces have to be my APC Playsuit (it's so comfy!), my velvet dress with a peter pan collar, my new denim dungarees and my never ending supply of striped t-shirts.
What will we never see you wearing?
I know it's the most obvious answer...but Ugg boots. I STILL see them everywhere when I go out and I just don't understand the obsession! Also, leggings, i'm not a big fan!
If I had one day to cram in some London shopping, where would you suggest I go?
Spend your morning on Columbia Road and take a look inside the design shops and vintage boutiques, stop off for a cake at Treacle, and don't forget to buy some flowers from the market before you leave! Now, take a walk along to Brick Lane and scour all the vintage shops, don't miss Luna and Curious either. See if you can find anything interesting amongst the clothing people are selling along the pavements, but before you catch the tube take a look inside Shelf on Cheshire Street and buy some stationary!
Now we're going to head into central London to grab a few last minute purchases - spend an hour or so in the independant boutiques around carnaby street, for example, Dahlia, and make your way to Libertys, the most beautiful department store, where you'll find yourself coveting designer pieces..but of course, you've already spent all of your money..!
What would you pack for a Safari Holiday?
First and foremost, lots and lots of books! No doubt i'd have plenty of other things to see, but I never find the time to read anymore so i'd make full use of the opportunity. As for clothing, I tend to struggle in a warmer climate, but lots of floaty summer dresses and shorts to pair with my striped t-shirts! And i'd need a beautiful vintage suitcase to fit it all in, too!
Alrighty, I'll let you go now but before I do, just one last question. What are you wishwishwishing for right now!?
That's easy, plain and simple - the summer!
I hope summer hurries on up, Carrie! Thanks so much for popping into Glossary. If you're a fan of Carrie's, I'd love to meet you too! Please feel free to say hi in a comment below and tell me about your blog if you have one. If you'd like to carrie on, you can visit her here! x
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