Saturday, April 23, 2011

Messy Eater... WMML Post #23!

Sorry. No reveal yet. I promise it'll be soon. :)

Tonight my family and I went out to dinner together. My dad has to go to Arizona tomorrow morning for work, and we're not exactly sure how long he'll have to be there. So we needed to spend as much time together as a family as we could before that.

Unfortunately for me, I was sat next to my younger sister Kenna. (totally kidding. but for the story, it was unfortunate) She was having one of those "can't stay clean- getting food everywhere" days...  First she spilled the salt (which is never good), so instead of throwing the salt over her right shoulder- she accidentaly salted me. Then, as she was making a point in something she was talking about she flicked her fork (which still had food on it) sending food onto my new jacket. Lastly, she turned to say something to me only to spit on me... Wow. Hahahaha! Oh dear, poor Kenna... Poor me???

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