Monday, April 19, 2010

Dressing up with Retro Chick!

Gemma Seager is the lovely lady behind Retro Chick, one of Blighty's most popular fashion blogs. Just this Sunday, she was featured in the Sunday Times and today, the Daily Mail. I managed to steal this busy bee away for a couple of minutes to chat to her about about blogging and achieving the Retro Look. Pour yourself a post-work cuppa and enjoy!


Hello Gemma, how are you today?
I'm fine and dandy actually. How are you?

Very well, thanks:) Congratulations on your 2 year bloggaversary! What or who inspired you to start blogging?

 Do you know, I really can't remember now! I started off with an eBay shop selling vintage and pre owned clothing, and blogging grew out of that. I can't remember what was the final motivator to start it though as I didn't read a lot of blogs at all at the time!
How did you feel typing your first post many months ago?
Kind of confused! I didn't have anything specific to say, and I hadn't done any of those professional blogger things like "choosing a niche". I was just rambling, and thought probably no one would ever read it!

Please can you paint us a picture of the space where you blog from! Is it a couch, a desk, under the covers!?
I have a cream and dark wood papsan chair, from the sadly now defunct shop the Pier. I sit in that with a little laptop table and often some trashy TV!

Nice! Love a bit of trashy telly. What have been the highlights of your blogging experience so far?
The first time I was invited to anything because of my blogging was back in Feb 2009 when Global Cool invited me to a Swishing Event, that was exciting. The first time I got Press approval for London Fashion Week was also a massive highlight!
I bet! Is there anything you wish you'd done differently?
Not really, I think the blog has just evolved. There are things I've learned that I would probably put into place earlier if I were to start again, but I'm happy with the way I did it!
You're a lover of all things retro. How did your personal style develop? Was it gradual or did you just fall in love with the retro look one day?
It's kind of a bit of both. As a child I was obsessed with Enid Blyton, then when I was slightly older I was obsessed with WWII home front stuff. My Mum always said I was born in the wrong decade and I've also always been interested in fashion, so my style just evolved from all the influences I took in and my interests!
How would you suggest someone go about developing their personal style?
I actually wrote a whole series on this at the beginning of the year I think it's about learning what your ideal style is, by taking in as much information as possible and really looking at what attracts you. Then you need to fit that in with the realities of your life and body shape.
What are the key pieces to achieving the retro look?
I think mostly it's about the hair! Doing something interesting with your hair can make the simplest outfit a little bit different, I have a couple of You Tube videos with some fairly simple hair styles. Accessories are also key. Things like scarves, bracelets or a string of pearls can immediately change your look.
Which is your favourite era in fashion and why?
I love the 1940s. Both the US Hollwood Glamour, and the simplistic styles of wartime Britain. There's an elegance, but also a practicality about it and I love that people made an effort to dress properly every day. I also have a soft spot for 1950s styles with full skirts and wiggle dresses.
Who are your biggest style inspirations?
So many! I love elegant women who aren't afraid to experiment with fashion. Victoria Beckham, Dita Von Teese and Audrey Hepburn, to name but a few!
Hurrah for 'Posh!' If I had only 50 quid to spend in the UK, where would you send me?
That much!? If you come to visit me in Norwich I'd take you to the Treasure Chest on Magdalen Street to hunt for vintage bargains.
Sounds fun! You've got an hour to kill on Oxford Street and only 10 quid on you. How do you spend it?
I'd buy a tube ticket to go anywhere but Oxford Street! Or maybe I'd just walk round to Baker Street and go to the Sherlock Holmes Museum, I've never been.
Haha! Agreed, Baker Street is lovely. What do you find you wear most days? Any go-to outfits?
In winter I have a black jersey dress that's my go to outfit. With a variety of different scarves and belts I can change it's look whenever I want. In Summer I have little cotton slip dresses that I tend to just fling on with pumps.
Do you ever have 'I look and feel rubbish' days and if so, how do you deal with em?
I do, and I make an extra effort! A bit of red lipstick goes a long way if you're feeling rubbish. Wearing huge sunglasses also not only hides a multitude of sins but makes you feel a bit glam!
What suggestions would you make to someone starting a blog?
Don't give up just because no one is reading. Make sure you have a stats programme like Google Analytics or Stat Counter installed and subscribe to ProBlogger for the best tips!
What is your biggest dream?
I'd like to own a proper bricks and mortar shop one day. I'd like to continue to sell vintage and pre owned clothing, but also vintage repro and accessories.

And the best piece of advice someone's given you?
There's no point worrying about the future as all you'll do is ruin the present.

Thanks so much Gemma! It was lovely chatting to you.
You can visit Gemma, aka Retro Chick over here! 

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